At the start of 2023, the sixteen regional training institutes (IRF) set up in the French overseas education network (EFE) will become operational.
The organisation of staff training will therefore allow us to enter into a new dynamic, supporting the development of French education abroad.

Training is a central issue the plan for the development of French education abroad, which aims to double the number of students in these establishments, in order to accommodate a greater number of students in conditions of educational excellence specific to the French education network abroad, in a competitive international context.

A new dynamic for the organisation of training in the French education network abroad

With the introduction of regional training institutes (IRF)In each of the network's sixteen pooling zones, the quantitative and qualitative reinforcement of the training on offer will enable a better adaptation to the needs of staff and establishments in a highly contextualised approach.

This system implements strategic objective 2 of the Agency's Contract of Objectives and Resources, the roadmap for the development plan.

RFID are responsible for managing and structuring the training offer for all staff, organising training at the level of each zone, developing partnerships, and implementing educational, sporting and guidance initiatives at the zone level.

There are sixteen IRFs, all of which have the status of directly managed AEFE educational establishments. In application of the law of 22 February 2022 (at read on, they will be fully implemented on 1 January 2023.

It is within the IRFs that the regional training plans (PRF)These plans are defined jointly by the members of the school communities represented on the IRF's governing bodies, on the basis of the following criteria needs of staff and establishments educational expectations the Ministry of National Education and Youth (MENJ), as well as the strategic orientations defined by the AEFE with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), the Agency's supervisory ministry.
What's more, training courses and tools are offered to the 45,000 staff of the 567 French educational establishments abroad, whatever the status of the establishment and whatever the status, nationality or profession of the staff.

The IRFs have two governance bodies whose missions and responsibilities are defined in the following documents the note dated 13 December 2022 :
- the Pedagogical and Scientific Council (CPS) which draws up staff training and professional development policy
- the Administrative and Financial Affairs Board (CAAF) which validates and implements the FRP

Aware of the diversity of profiles and local contexts, the AEFE has developed two new professionalisation path, known asP2P trail"This is particularly important for newly recruited teachers. An initial course to help them integrate into the French education system, followed by a second course to help them consolidate their experience of teaching French abroad. The creation ofopen badges validating skills certified by the AEFE and recognised by Réseau Canopé is an asset for staff careers. In the 2021-2022 school year, nearly 1,500 staff members took part in these courses. There will be more than 3,000 in 2022-2023.

At the same time, all staff continue to benefit from the support provided by the AEFE inspectors and 300 teacher trainersin a stronger partnership with operators of the Ministry of National Education and Youth.

The AEFE has developed new tools to facilitate the coordination of the various players involved in implementing the regional training plan.

The ATENA application, created in 2022, is the platform for managing, monitoring and evaluating centrally or regionally initiated training initiatives. It will make it possible to dematerialise, simplify and harmonise all the procedures for designing and implementing these training courses, from the analysis of individual needs to the engineering of the collective responses provided (courses, pathways, face-to-face, hybrid or distance learning methods). Further developments are planned to make it the IRF's integrated management application. This will bring together all the statistical, administrative and financial aspects of training.