AFEP pHARE: Tbilisi, Vilnius & Riga
(21 participants)
Location: Caucasus French School
76b, avenue Tchavtchavadzé
0162 Tbilisi
Contact: Ms Darina Ptskialade
Dates : from Wednesday 13 March at 3pm to Friday 15 March at 10am
Moderators: Ms Nathalie Colle IA-IPR Établissements et vie Scolaire Academic Supervisor pHARe / Mr Bruno Rotier Technical Advisor to the Rector for Établissements et Vie Scolaire, Academic Supervisor for the pHARe programme, Operational Manager for the training of management staff, School Climate Unit - Office of the Rector / Mr Julien Helar history-geography teacher Collège Leclerc de Schiltigheim (Bas-Rhin), Academic Correspondent
Trainers : Ms Yasmina Boudjatit EMFE / EF1D Lycée français Alexandre Dumas de Moscou / Ms Julie Mélières EF2D Lettres Lycée français René Goscinny de Varsovie / Mr Philippe Merleau EF2D Histoire-Géographie Lycée français de Vienne / Mr Jean-Pierre Pitiot EF2D SVT Lycée français de Vienne / Ms Andrea Stammeier EF2D LV German Lycée français de Vienne
Location: Jules Verne French School
Pulkveža Brieža iela 11, Centra rajons
Riga, LV-1010
Contact: Ms Agita Mākule
Dates : from Thursday 6 June at 8.30am to Friday 7 June at 2pm
Moderators: Ms Nathalie Colle IA-IPR Établissements et Vie Scolaire Academic Supervisor pHARe / Mr Bruno Rotier Technical Advisor to the Rector for Établissements et Vie Scolaire, Academic Supervisor for the pHARe programme, Operational Manager for the training of management staff, School Climate Unit - Office of the Rector / Mr Hugues Studer mathematics and science teacher
Trainers : Ms Julie Mélières EF2D Lettres Lycée français René Goscinny de Varsovie / Mr Philippe Merleau EF2D Histoire-Géographie Lycée français de Vienne