French schools abroad recruit a large number of staff under local law contracts (distinct from French public law contracts).
On our website you can find job offers for local contracts in the various establishments in the Central and Eastern Europe Zone.
The staff on local law contracts are recruited directly by a school or its management committee and have signed a contract with this employer in accordance with local law. Those recruited under a local law contract may be of French or foreign nationality, with or without tenure, and occupy a variety of posts: teaching, administrative, manual and service positions. The school defines the profile of each post to be filled, as well as the requirements and skills needed for the job. In order to work in this capacity, a civil servant must first apply to his or her home administration for a leave of absence.
Since 18 October, the TALENTS is now online.
This digital platform, dedicated to recruitment of staff under local contracts in approved establishmentsThis is a step towards simplified recruitment management for establishments, but also simplified access for applicants, who will find all the network's vacancies there.
The AEFE offers staff on local contracts a range of services, includingtraining initiatives in order to facilitate the exercise of their profession. The Agency pays particular attention to the ongoing training of the network's staff, which is the key to the quality of teaching and the influence of the schools in the countries where they are based. Staff who meet the conditions can apply to take the competitive examinations offered by the French Ministry of Education. If they are successful, they will be given permanent status at the end of their probationary year in France and offered the opportunity to apply for a vacant resident post in the school where they were working under a local contract.
And every year, the AEFE recruits several hundred members of the French civil serviceto work on secondment within the network abroad. There are two major annual recruitment campaigns for French civil servants wishing to be seconded to the AEFE to work abroad:
- a recruitment campaign in September for AEFE staff on secondment to management tasks (headteachers and deputy headteachers, DAFs, ACSs or general secretaries, school headmasters and primary school inspectors) and training (master trainers and educational advisers in primary education, secondary school teachers with skills in training and teaching their peers).
- a recruitment campaign starting in December/January for AEFE staff on secondment to specialised posts. teaching, educational and administrative missions (primary and secondary school teachers, CPEs and national education psychologists, as well as some administrative staff).
For full details of these recruitment campaigns, go to here.