From 6 to 8 May, Berlin Euro Parliament is a small-scale reproduction of the workings of the European Parliament, as faithfully as possible: structure, operation, procedures of the various bodies, national policies, global issues, etc.
In this extensive role-playing game in French, English and German, each young person is given the role of a Member of the European Parliament for three days, along with his or her country, party and committee. In this context, the young people have to propose and defend resolutions and laws that can improve the European situation.
The subjects are proposed to them several months in advance to enable them to do the necessary research to better understand their country, the party they represent and the challenges they will be working on.

Number of participants :
⏩ 8 schools from Germany, Great Britain, Austria and Poland
⏩ 250 MEPs (pupils aged 14 to 17)
⏩ 2 chairmen per committee

Commissions for the 2024 session :

⏩ AFET + DROI: Foreign Affairs and Defence + Human Rights
⏩ ECON + FISC: Economic and Monetary Affairs + Fiscal Affairs
⏩ FEMM + TRAN: Women's rights and gender equality + Transport and tourism
⏩ AGRI + SANT: Agriculture and rural development + Health
⏩ ENVI + INTA: Environment, public health and food safety + International trade

Project objectives : 

1) Learn more about the workings and role of the European Union and its institutions
By means of a vast cross-disciplinary role-play simulating the workings of the European Parliament, we propose to get secondary school pupils from local and international schools and their teachers to work together.

2) Raising awareness and understanding of the issues of today and tomorrow
The conference provides participants with a practical and realistic insight into major European issues.

3) Developing genuine European citizenship by making the European Union more accessible and understandable
Offering young people the chance to broaden their horizons, meet new people and exchange ideas.

4) Developing young people's written and oral communication skills, as well as multilingual and multicultural exchanges
The conference is an opportunity to raise the profile of students of all languages and cultures attending our schools and to promote the languages (French, Spanish and English).

The role of the student :

The MEPs :
⏩ Find out about the MEP they represent, their country, their party and the committee's topics;
⏩ Prepare a draft legislative act on one of the committee's topics;
⏩ During the committee meeting, debate with other MEPs, draft joint proposals or amendments, present and defend their proposals during the committee debate (and in plenary if the text is approved by the Commission).

Committee Chairmen :
⏩ Help MEPs in their committee to draft proposals and amendments.
⏩ Spearheading committee debates;

The chairmen of the political groups :
⏩ Present their group's political ideas in an opening speech ;
⏩ Supervise and direct MEPs during committee meetings and the plenary session.

The main skills developed :
⏩ Understanding how the European Union works
⏩ Knowledge of the 27 member countries of the European Union
⏩ Information research and news analysis
⏩ Writing within a formal framework
⏩ Public speaking
⏩ Debate, negotiation, consensus-building

Find out all about the Berlin Euro Parliament here.